Crème Brulée

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On Tap Crème Brulée Tea

Crème Brulée

Black Tea

Toasty caramel and lightly sweet. Excellent dessert-like finish.

On Tap Crème Brulée

Brewing Recommendations
On Tap Tea brewing

Serving Recommendations
On Tap Serving info

Just for Fun: Orlando, Florida is known for many things: Disney. Universal Studios. Crème Brulée. Wait? Crème Brulée? Isn't that French? The answer is yes, crème brulée, the custard treat with crispy burnt crust originated in France. That said, in 2005, students from the Orlando Culinary Academy's Cordon Bleu Program created the world's largest crème brulee, weighing no less than 1,599.96 lbs / 725.72 kg. (As verified by the Guinness Book of World Records.) Dessert anyone? While we agree that a crème brulée weighing as much as a truck is quite a feat, we hope you'll agree that crème brulée scented Pu-erh with coffee is equally as impressive, albeit on a much smaller scale. What makes it so impressive? For starters, Pu-erh itself is a remarkable tea. Known as a fermented, dark tea, Puerh is produced in China's Yunnan Province through a process in which fresh tea leaves are withered (dried) in the sun, pan-fired to stop oxidization, then rolled, rubbed and pressed. Then, there is the fact that this tea contains bits of coffee, a fabulous innovation that helps bring out the tea's earthy character. When you raise this mouth-watering blend to your lips, the first thing you'll notice is that very character, woven with sweet tones of toffee and nutty coffee notes, all blending to create a flavor mélange you'll come back for time and again. Prepare yourself for what we believe might just be a contender for the world's most extraordinary Pu-erh. Delicious. Why should you be drinking Pu-erh? For centuries, fermented teas have been recommended by practitioners of Chinese Medicine to aid digestion, break down fat in the body, treat arteriosclerosis, and more. What exactly is Pu-erh? According to the Bureau of Standard Measurement of Yunnan Province, Pu-erh teas are: "products fermented from green tea of big tea leaves picked within Yunnan Province." Pu-erh teas undergo a unique fermentation process that infuses them with their defining musty character. In China, many people believe that Pu-erh aids in digestion by breaking down fat in foods. Why should you be drinking Pu-Erh? Pu-erh is a fermented tea from China's Yunnan province. For many years it has been prized by practitioners of Chinese Medicine to aid digestion, break down fat in the body, treat arteriosclerosis and more. For a special treat, try pairing it with dim sum, or other Asian themed finger foods.

On Tap Oil & Vinegar tea nutritional info

Black tea (Pu-erh style), Black tea, Coffee pieces, Calendula + Marigold + Sunflower petals, Natural flavors (organic compliant).
Kosher, Vegan.
Allergen Information - None present in product.

Country of Origin
China, Colombia, Egypt, Poland
Manufacture Type
Special pu-erh process, hand crafted
Grade - Pu-erh 3 year vintage
Caffeine content - Medium
Antioxidant Level - Low
Social Accreditations -
Exceptional/Rare tea

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