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On Tap Butterscotch Tea


Black Tea

Smooth and creamy with that 'Highland' taste - a dash of sugar will help open it up.

On Tap Butterscotch Tea

Brewing Recommendations
On Tap Tea brewing

Serving Recommendations
On Tap Serving info

Just for Fun: There is no question that the good people of Scotland can be credited with introducing the world to many, many fine things. For example: the fine game of golf, the handsome kilt, and Scotch. What is in question however is whether or not the Scots can take credit for introducing humankind to Butterscotch. There are people in Scotland will argue up and down that yes, the Scots were the ones who first boiled down brown sugar and butter to create the sweet hard candy. However, there are those who will argue up and down that in fact the confection derives its name from the process of scorching the butter, a process that in older times was known as "scotching". Aha, but the Scots will argue, the scotching of butter was invented in Scotland! The truth is, the actual origin of butterscotch has been lost in the mists of time. We shall perhaps never get to the bottom of the dispute. What we can get to the bottom of time and time again however is a delicious cup of piping hot butterscotch tea. This tea is wonderful with a dash of milk to open up the buttery sweet flavor. You can also try it over ice if you like. It's like candy in a cup!

On Tap Oil & Vinegar tea nutritional info

Black tea, Pomegranate pieces, Calendula + Sunflower + Cornflower + Jasmine petals, Natural flavors (organic compliant).
Kosher, Vegan.
Allergen Information - None present in product.

Country of Origin
Sri Lanka, Kenya, India, Turkey, Egypt, France, China, Poland
Manufacture Type
Orthodox (Traditional Leafy)
Grade - Orange Pekoe
Caffeine content - Medium
Antioxidant Level - High
Social Accreditations -
98% ETP

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