Crispy-crunchy on the outside, with soft billowy spicy Baklouti Agrumato spiked potato on the inside, concealing a gooey
melted cheese center.
Place the potatoes in a large pot with enough salted water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook for approximately 15 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Allow the potatoes to cool completely. Mash the cooled potatoes, season with salt and pepper, and add the garlic infused olive oil, Baklouti Chili Pepper Agrumato, Parmesan, parsley, and one beaten egg. Mix thoroughly and set aside.
Beat the remaining two eggs in a separate bowl, and add the bread crumbs to another bowl.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Form the potato mixture into a 2" oblong shape. Push a piece of mozarella into the center of each oblong, and form the potato around in so that it is completely encased. Coat each croquette in egg, and then roll in bread crumbs to thoroughly coat. Set aside on the baking sheet.
Heat 2" of Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a heavy frying pan over medium high heat. When a deep fry thermometer reaches 375, fry the croquettes in batches until deep golden brown on all sides, about 2 minutes per side. Enjoy immediately.
Makes approximately 20 croquettes.