Baked Apple

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On Tap Baked Apple Tea

Baked Apple


Alaska ho! Sweet apple with a brown sugar note.

On Tap Baked Apple Tea

Brewing Recommendations
On Tap Tea brewing

Serving Recommendations
On Tap Serving info

Just for Fun: When it comes to fruit, some people have a way with words. In his poem Oda a la manzana, or Ode to the Apple, 1971 Noble Prize for Literature winner, Chilean pet Pablo Neruda wrote: To you, apple, I want to celebrate you filling me with your name. With my mouth, by eating you. Always. You are new like nothing and no one. Always freshly fallen from Paradise: Full and pure. "Full and pure". Have you ever heard a better way to describe an apple? We hadn't, so when we set out to develop this sumptuous Baked Apple Rooibos that was the flavor descriptor we were going for.

On Tap Oil & Vinegar tea nutritional info

Rooibos, Apple pieces, Natural flavors (organic compliant).
Kosher, Vegan.
Allergen Information - None present in product.

Country of Origin
South Africa/Turkey
Manufacture Type
Traditional process, Rolled and fermented.
Grade - Choice Grade #1
Caffeine content - None - Caffeine Free Herb
Antioxidant Level - Low
Social Accreditations -
Exceptional/Rare tea

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